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Serving the Christian Churches Association

P.O. Box 507, Horsham, PA   19044     (215) 379-8484

Taking the Gospel to Network Television


For far too long we have watched Christianity recede in the common culture. There was a time in our history when Christian thinking lay at the bedrock of our spirituality, moral reasoning, and political philosophy. Although we were never a Christian nation, we were a country with the soul and conscience of a church. Now the soul - the bedrock - is crumbling as this generation of Americans forge an uncertain path into the future. It is not for a lack of strength or accuracy the faith wanes. The fault lies in our failure to communicate the essential evidence and implications of the Gospel. The result is an entire generation of young people fail to find the meaning of life.

The present battle of ideas rests in the cradle of the modern media: television, radio, print, and the rising influence of computer technology. Shamefully, as a whole, the Church of Jesus Christ has remained on the cutting edge of the 1940s in these areas. We are failing to proclaim the reasons we believe or even the fact of our existence. Nor do we articulate our importance in maintaining a civil society. Yet we live in a world faced with imminent demise, now culturally, and in the future spiritually, the lost facing a Christless eternity in conscious torment.

United, local churches can bring the dark night of the media's soul to an end. For the first time in our history, the redemptive power of the Gospel will be proclaimed on a daily basis in the living rooms of all our citizens through 30-second commercial television spots. Up to 7 MILLION people will hear the truths of the faith persuasively reinforced again and again. Let me invite you and your local church to come help change the world.

In His service and yours,

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Robert D. Jacobus, Director

E-mail: jacobus@877ourhope.org

Mission Media Ministries
P.O. Box 507
Cheltenham, PA 19044

Phone: (215) 379-8484
Fax: (215) 379-8484

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This page was last updated on 02/22/04.