ZIP CODE: 18020-

Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church

3100 Hecktown Road

Bethlehem, PA 18020-

Church Phone: 6108685501 Alternate Phone:

Directions: William Penn Highway & Hecktown Road in Bethlehem Township

Denomination: Bible Fellowship Church

Main Service: 9:30 am

Sunday School: 10:45 am

Sunday Evening: 6:30 pm Mid-Week Service:Wednesday 7:15 pm

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Brian Cooper Youth Pastor: Brian Erland

Associate Pastors: Doug Wasson Frank Herb

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): Multi-generational and suburban

Musical Worship Style: mix of traditional and contemporary

Average Number of Members: 375 Age of Church: 110

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: We exist to: Exalt our God (worship), evangelize our world, edify the saints (discipleship), and extend God's love to those in need (outreach). Church motto: Loving God, loving people.



ZIP CODE: 18042-

First Evangelical Congregational Church

28 N. Tenth Street

Easton, PA 18042-

Church Phone: 6102587606 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Evangelical Congregational

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Pat Teaford Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 18049-

Bethel Bible Fellowship Church

418 Elm Street

Emmaus, PA 18049-

Church Phone: 6109652682 Alternate Phone:

Directions: Just down from 3rd & Elm Streets. Elm Street runs parallel to Harrison Street - 2 blocks away.

Denomination: Bible Fellowship Church

Main Service: 8:30 am & 10:45 am

Sunday School: 9:45 am

Sunday Evening: 7:00 pm Mid-Week Service:Wednesday 7:00 pm

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: David Schoen Youth Pastor: Billy Dunn

Associate Pastors: Ralph Soper

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): Broad spectrum of ages - 80 junior & high school teens in youth ministry

Musical Worship Style: Extended worship (singing & choruses) in 8:30 am service

Average Number of Members: 410 Age of Church: 120

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: Mission Statement - "United to reflect the Glory of God in tangible and caring ways in order to spread the Gospel and build up one another."



ZIP CODE: 18064-

Carpenter's Community Church

P.O. Box 358

Nazareth, PA 18064-

Church Phone: 6107460772 Alternate Phone:

Directions: Call for directions

Denomination: Conservative Baptist of America

Main Service: 9:30 am

Sunday School: 11:00 am

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: James Grimes Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): Youth oriented, young married, singles

Musical Worship Style: Contemporary

Average Number of Members: 150 Age of Church: 7

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: Building Successful Lives and Families."



ZIP CODE: 18102-

Grace Worship Center

137 N. 15th Street

Allentown, PA 18102-

Church Phone: 6104342611 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Evangelical Congregational

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Allen Kline Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 18103-

Christ Methodist Church

1080 Flexer Avenue

Allentown, PA 18103-

Church Phone: 6104332361 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Primitive Methodist Church

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Kenneth Smith Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 18104-

Evangel Fellowship Church

527 North Saint Lucas Street

Allentown, PA 18104-

Church Phone: 6104348885 Alternate Phone:

Directions: Corner of North Saint Lucas Street and Liberty Street - near Muhlanberg College

Denomination: Independent Fundemental Churches of America

Main Service: 10:30 am

Sunday School: 9:30 am

Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm Mid-Week Service:Wednesday 6:30 pm

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Robert Fields Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): A ministry for the entire family

Musical Worship Style: Traditional

Average Number of Members: 100 Age of Church: 55

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: Our purpose is to glorify God through ministering to people in the Lehigh Valley.



ZIP CODE: 18104-

Hope Valley Fellowship

438 S. St. George St.

Allentown, PA 18104-

Church Phone: 6104395084 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Assemblies of God

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Charlie Thiel Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 18940-

First Baptist Church of Newtown

25 N. State Street

Newtown, PA 18940-

Church Phone: 2159682354 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Baptist

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: David Ridder Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 18943-

Anchor Presbyterian Church

2324 2nd Street Pike

Penns Park, PA 18943-

Church Phone: 2155987859 Alternate Phone: 2155989445

Directions: 2nd Street Pike (Rte 232) & Penns Park Road. In the historic renovated barn in the Gathering at Penns Park. Office, nursery, education building attached.

Denomination: Presbyterian Church USA

Main Service: 9:30 am

Sunday School: children school during adult message

Sunday Evening: Small groups meet Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Dave Currie Youth Pastor: Seminary Intern

Associate Pastors: Q.J. Everest Susan P. Currie

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): Young families with children & youth; "empty nesters"

Musical Worship Style: Blended: Traditional and Contemporary Music. Historic Liturgy & freedom in the Spirit to encourage participation, special emphasis on children participating.

Average Number of Members: 110 Age of Church: 3

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: "Seeking the fullness of Christ for the fulfillment of Christ's Kingdom."



ZIP CODE: 18951-

Faith Covenant Church

109 South West End Boulevard

Quakertown, PA 18951-

Church Phone: 2155387777 Alternate Phone:

Directions: West End Boulevard (Route 309) on east side of highway between Park Avenue & W. Broad Street


Main Service: 10:00 am

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:Various Nights (call ahead) at 7:00 pm

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Barry Slimm Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors: Mark D. Scott

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): All people and all ages

Musical Worship Style: Contemporary

Average Number of Members: 90 Age of Church: 15

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: Our church is a New Testament Church which applies the principles and patterns Jesus Christ gave to the church (Bible - Acts 2:42-47). Our goal is to fulfill the Great Commission and build the Kingdom of God through His Word and Power.



ZIP CODE: 18951-

Quakertown Presbyterian Church

P.O. Box 836

Quakertown, PA 18951-

Church Phone: 2155362881 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Presbyterian Church in America

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Mel Farrar Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 18954-

Addisville Reformed Church

945 Second Street Pike

Richboro, PA 18954-

Church Phone: 2153574277 Alternate Phone: 2153574287

Directions: On Route 232 (Second Street Pike) south of Route 332 opposite the McDonalds Restaurant

Denomination: Reformed Church in America

Main Service: 9:00 am traditional, 10:30am contemporary

Sunday School: 9:00 am & 10:30 am

Sunday Evening: none Mid-Week Service:Tuesday Evening Bible Study

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Douglas Dwyer Youth Pastor: David Hill

Associate Pastors: Herbert Van Wyk - Pastor Emeritus Arthur Pierce - Pastoral Assistant

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): Family

Musical Worship Style: Traditional (reformed) at 9 am & Contemporary at 10:30 am

Average Number of Members: 700 Age of Church: 150

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: We will love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and love our neighbors as ourselves as instructed by our Lord Jesus Christ. Invite the Holy Spirit to change us from within through dynamic corporate worship. Value and welcome all people, never letting the doors of our church be narrower that the gates of heaven. Educate, challenge, and inspire one another to provide for the hopes and needs of our family, church, community, and world to manifest our faith.



ZIP CODE: 18954-

Bucks Central Church

87 Holyoke Road

Richboro, PA 18954-

Church Phone: 2159429533 Alternate Phone: 2159539228

Directions: Worship Services are held at Holy Family College - Newtown Campus, on the Newtown Bypass at Leaderhurst Road, a half mile west of US Route I-95

Denomination: Presbyterian Church in Amercia

Main Service: 10:30 am

Sunday School: 11:00 am

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Bruce Finn Youth Pastor: Matt McAlack

Associate Pastors: Mitzi Shetzline (music) Michele McAlack (children)

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): Young Married & Young Families

Musical Worship Style: Contemporary with a touch of tradition.

Average Number of Members: 110 Age of Church: 6

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: "Covering the county with Bridges to God."



ZIP CODE: 18960

Cornerstone Community Church

415 Highland Park Road

Sellersville, PA 18960

Church Phone: 2152580990 Alternate Phone:

Directions: We meet at highland Park Camp on Bethlehem Pike South of Sellersville

Denomination: Mid-Atlantic Conservative Baptist Association

Main Service: 10:00 am

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:Small home groups meet

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? No

Senior Pastor: Doug Knepp Youth Pastor: Phil Nieves-soso

Associate Pastors: Adam Snyder

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): Young families, youth, single women, mixed racial backgrounds

Musical Worship Style: Worship chorus, dramas, guitars, worship team

Average Number of Members: 100 Age of Church: 1

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: Purpose: To produce followers of Jesus. Vision: To be a dynamic, vibrant, and active church.



ZIP CODE: 18964-

Immanuel Leidy's Church

276 W. Cherry Ln.

Souderton, PA 18964-

Church Phone: 2157238707 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Non-Denominational

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: John Niederhaus Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19001-

Cornerstone Christian Fellowship

1501 Ferndale Avenue

Abington, PA 19001-

Church Phone: 2156594054 Alternate Phone: 2159570756

Directions: Corner of Ferndale Avenue & Edge Hill Road in Abington

Denomination: Assemblies of God

Main Service: 10:30 am

Sunday School: 10:30 am

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:Wednesday 7:30 pm

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Ron Billings Youth Pastor: David Burton

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): Young Married, white & hispanic

Musical Worship Style: Contemporary & Pentecostal

Average Number of Members: 60 Age of Church: 35

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: A Pentecostal Church with the Community at Heart



ZIP CODE: 19002-

Grace Baptist Church

701 Pen-Ambler Road

Ambler, PA 19002-

Church Phone: 2156461420 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Conservative Baptist Association of America

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: David Jacques, Sr. Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19007-

Maple Glen Bible Fellowship

700 Welsh Rd.

Maple Glen, PA 19007-

Church Phone: 2156461220 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Bible Fellowship Church

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Louis Prontnicki Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19008-

Covenant Fellowship Church

450 Parkway Dr. Suite 200

Broomall, PA 19008-

Church Phone: 6103591180 Alternate Phone:

Directions: Meet at Robert Gauntlett Community Center on West Chester Pike (Route 3) & Media Line Road, Newtown Square

Denomination: PDI

Main Service: 10:00 am

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:Small groups meet

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? No

Senior Pastor: Dave Harvey Youth Pastor: Marty Machowski

Associate Pastors: Joe McMullin Andy Farmer - Singles Jim Donohue - Community Impact

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): Average Age 33 yrs. Large youth, single, and family ministry. Dynamic racial diversity.

Musical Worship Style: Lively/charismatic

Average Number of Members: 900 Age of Church: 12

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19010-

Proclamation Presbyterian Church

278 Bryn Mawr Ave.

Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-

Church Phone: 6105209500 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Presbyterian Church in America

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Peter Lillback Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19012-

Berachah Church

400 Ashbourne Road

Cheltenham, PA 19012-

Church Phone: 2153798700 Alternate Phone:

Directions: Corner of Asbourne Road & Foster - across from the Cheltenham Arts Center.

Denomination: Independent

Main Service: 11:00 am

Sunday School: 9:45 am

Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm Mid-Week Service:Wednesday 7:00 pm youth, 7:30pm adult

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Scott Solberg Youth Pastor: William Newman

Associate Pastors: Ronald Vallette

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style: Traditional

Average Number of Members: 250 Age of Church: 85

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19023-

First Baptist Church of Collingdale

814 Andrews Avenue

Collingdale, PA 19023-

Church Phone: 6105863563 Alternate Phone:

Directions: At the intersection of Clifton and Andrews Avenues one block off of MacDade Boulevard

Denomination: Conservative Baptist Association of America

Main Service: 11:00 am

Sunday School: 9:45 am

Sunday Evening: 6:30 pm Mid-Week Service:Wednesday 7:00 pm

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Perry Messick Youth Pastor: William A. Holmes, Jr.

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): Multi-generational

Musical Worship Style: Blended

Average Number of Members: 308 Age of Church: 105

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: To glorify God, build up Believers, and proclaim Christ across the street and around the world.



ZIP CODE: 19025-

Chelten Baptist Church

1601 Limekiln Pike

Dresher, PA 19025-

Church Phone: 2156465557 Alternate Phone:

Directions: 1/2 mile north of Dreshertown Road and (Limekiln Pike) Route 152. We are two miles south of Genuardi in Maple Glenn.

Denomination: Conservative Baptist Association of America

Main Service: 8:30 am & 11:00 am

Sunday School: 10:00 am

Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm Mid-Week Service:Small groups meet

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Glenn Blossom Youth Pastor: Bryant Geating

Associate Pastors: Stanley Hagberg Shelley Berg Robert McNally Walter Carpenter

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): A Cross section of socio-economic levels - also with a Chinese Congregation

Musical Worship Style: 8:30 am - Contemporary Service; 11:00 am - Traditional Service

Average Number of Members: 650 Age of Church: 100

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: Vision Statement: Chelten Baptist Church shall be a loving community of God's People focused fervently: - Serving our Lord Jesus Christ and obeying His Word, - Nurturing to Christ-likeness all the children of God especially our Church family, - Redemptively caring for all people and calling them to enter Christ's Kingdom, - Using all of our resources to achieve this vision.



ZIP CODE: 19025-

Jarrettown United Methodist Church

1460 Limekiln Pike

Dresher, PA 19025-

Church Phone: 2156464129 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Methodist

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Gary Nicholson Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19033-

Community Church of Folsom

1212 Melrose Terrace

Folsom, PA 19033-

Church Phone: 6104612064 Alternate Phone: 6104614374

Directions: Corner of Swarthmore Avenue & Melrose Terrace

Denomination: Non-Denominational

Main Service: 11:00 am

Sunday School: 9:45 am

Sunday Evening: 6:30 pm Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Jack Spicer Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): All ages

Musical Worship Style: Traditional

Average Number of Members: 35 Age of Church: 46

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: "For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved!" - Romans 10:9-13



ZIP CODE: 19034-

New Life Presbyterian Church - Fort Washington

PO Box 1389

Fort Washington, PA 19034-

Church Phone: 2156581100 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Presbyterian Church in Amercia

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Ron Lutz Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19036-

Evangel Assembly of God

725 Ashland Avenue

Glenolden, PA 19036-

Church Phone: 6105838288 Alternate Phone:

Directions: The church is on the corner of Ashland & Bartram, three stop signs north of Ashland & MacDade (Pep Boys on Corner)

Denomination: Assemblies of God

Main Service: 11:00 am

Sunday School: 9:45 am

Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm is youth group meeting Mid-Week Service:Wednesday 7:00 pm

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Mike Poppa Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): varied

Musical Worship Style: Hymns & chorus - praise & worship

Average Number of Members: 140 Age of Church: 44

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: Our goal is to bring people closer to Jesus.



ZIP CODE: 19067-

First Baptist Church of Morrisville

50 N Pennsylvania Avenue

Morrisville, PA 19067-

Church Phone: 2157363706 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Conservative Baptist Association of America

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Gary Taylor Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19067-

Woodside Presbyterian Church

1667 Edgewood Road

Yardley, PA 19067-

Church Phone: 2154934145 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Presbyterian Church USA

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Douglas Hoglund Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19082-

Crossroads Community Church

104 Heather Road

Upper Darby, PA 19082-

Church Phone: 6103527622 Alternate Phone: 6103527622

Directions: Chestnut Street and Heather Road (one block east of 69th Street)

Denomination: Presbyterian Church in Amercia

Main Service: 8:30 am & 11:00 am

Sunday School: 9:45 am

Sunday Evening: 6:30 pm Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? No

Senior Pastor: Timothy Witmer Youth Pastor: David Van Meerbeke

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): All ages

Musical Worship Style: 8:30 am - Contemporary Service; 11:00 am - Traditional

Average Number of Members: 240 Age of Church: 90

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: Crossroads is the friendly, family church serving you at the "crossroads" of life.



ZIP CODE: 19086-

Garden City Chapel

25 Cedar Road

Wallingford, PA 19086-

Church Phone: 6108763795 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Non-Denominational

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Gordon Douglas Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19086-

Grace Bible Fellowship Church

723 S. Providence Rd.

Wallingford, PA 19086-

Church Phone: 6108768725 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Bible Fellowship Church

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Richard Taylor Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19090-

Calvary Presbyterian Church

405 N. Easton Rd.

Willow Grove, PA 19090-

Church Phone: 2156590554 Alternate Phone: 2156594568

Directions: Located on Easton Road & Allison Road, a half mile north of the Willow Grove Mall

Denomination: Presbyterian Church in America

Main Service: 11:00 am

Sunday School: 9:30 am

Sunday Evening: 6:30 pm Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Richard Tyson Youth Pastor: David Channing

Associate Pastors: Jeff Hutchinson

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style: Relaxed traditional

Average Number of Members: 300 Age of Church: 60

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: Celebrating Christ, Strengthing the Home, Reaching the World.



ZIP CODE: 19090-

Family Bible Church

240 Reed Street

Willow Grove, PA 19090-

Church Phone: 2156575010 Alternate Phone: 2156579049

Directions: At corner of York Road and Bear Road

Denomination: Non-Denominational

Main Service: 10:00 am & 12:00 noon

Sunday School: 10:45 am & 12:00 noon

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:Mid week small groups ( 7 mini churches)

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: E. Gregory Austen Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): mixed

Musical Worship Style: Blended - a cross between contemporary and traditional music

Average Number of Members: 110 Age of Church: 19

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: A place where people are strengthened, genuineness is encouraged, and Christianity is a matter of the heart.



ZIP CODE: 19103-

Living Word Community

142 N. 17th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19103-

Church Phone: 2155631322 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Non-Denominational

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Wendell Sharpe Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19111-

International Christian Fellowship

6332 Rising Sun Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19111-

Church Phone: 2153423759 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Non-Denominational

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: S.S. Peter Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19111-

Oxford Circle Baptist Church

6401 Loretto Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19111-

Church Phone: 2152896388 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: American Baptist

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Phillip Peterman Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19120-

Maranatha Assembly of God

5316-18 Rising Sun Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19120-

Church Phone: 2153292266 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Assemblies of God

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Otoniel DeAlmeida Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19120-

New Life Presbyterian Church - Philadelphia

425 E. Roosevelt Boulevard

Philadelphia, PA 19120-

Church Phone: 2153244566 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Presbyterian Church in America

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: John Julien Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19126-

New Testament Family Fellowship

6400-18 Ogontz Ave.

Philadelphia, PA 19126-

Church Phone: 2152241177 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Full Gospel

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Daniel Best Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19128-

Full Gospel Worship Center

7860 Eva Street

Philadelphia, PA 19128-

Church Phone: 2154834480 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Assemblies of God

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: George Cunard Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19131-

Freedom Christian Bible Fellowship

4500 Westminster Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19131-

Church Phone: 2154770800 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Non-Denominational

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Gilbert Coleman Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19133-

Sinai Assemblies of God

2806 North 5th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19133-

Church Phone: 2152291656 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Assemblies of God

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Sergio Martinez Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19134-

Kensington Assembly of God

3455 Frankford Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19134-

Church Phone: 2152896519 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Assemblies of God

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: David DiPietro Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19135-

Crossroads Grace Brethen Church

4706 Comly Street

Philadelphia, PA 19135-

Church Phone: 2155333396 Alternate Phone:

Directions: Comly Street & Torresdale Avenue

Denomination: Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches

Main Service: 11:00 am

Sunday School: 9:30 am

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Jim Brown Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): Younger Adults average ages 30-40 years

Musical Worship Style: Casual & informal

Average Number of Members: 75 Age of Church: 8

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: Sharing hope for tomorrow.



ZIP CODE: 19144-

Impacting Your World Christian Center

5507 Germantown Ave.

Philadelphia, PA 19144-

Church Phone: 2154387838 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Non-Denominational

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Ray Barnard Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19144-

Victory Community Baptist Church

5131 Germantown Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19144-

Church Phone: 2158497511 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Baptist

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: James Royal Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19146-

Lighthouse Christian Center

PO Box 3865

Philadelphia, PA 19146-

Church Phone: 2154632434 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Full Gospel Fellowship of Ministers & Churches Int

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Carol Bretz Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19147-

Promise Presbyterian

835 Reed St.

Philadelphia, PA 19147-

Church Phone: 2152714043 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Presbyterian Church in America

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: David Miller Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19149-

New Life Presbyterian Church - Northeast

3260 Cottman Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19149-

Church Phone: 2153316344 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Presbyterian Church in America

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: David Miller Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19150-

Bethel Deliverance Church

2923 W. Cheltenham Ave.

Philadelphia, PA 19150-

Church Phone: 2158852585 Alternate Phone:

Directions: Near Limekiln Pike & Vernon Road near American Appliance Store

Denomination: Non-Denominational

Main Service: 11:30 am

Sunday School: 10:00 am

Sunday Evening: 6:45 pm Mid-Week Service:Wednesday 7:00 pm

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Eric Lambert Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): Multi-racial, predominately younger members - 20-45 years is the largest age group

Musical Worship Style: Free

Average Number of Members: 650 Age of Church: 10

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."



ZIP CODE: 19151-

Overbrook Assembly of God

6651 W. Girard Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19151-

Church Phone: 2157474437 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Assemblies of God

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: J.T. Cohen Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19154-

Third Reformed Presbyterian Church

3024 Byberry Road

Philadelphia, PA 19154-

Church Phone: 2156372266 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Presbyterian Church in America

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Frank Moser Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19301-

Victory Center Church

1770 E. Lancaster Ave.

Paoli, PA 19301-

Church Phone: 6102969236 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Non-Denominational

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Harvey Connor Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19363-

Oxford Church of the Nazarene

Penn Avenue & Locust Street

Oxford, PA 19363-

Church Phone: 6109322584 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Nazarene

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Larry Powell Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19382-

Living Faith World Outreach Center

910 S. High Street

West Chester, PA 19382-

Church Phone: 6104293300 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Non-Denominational

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Jerry Schwartz Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19403-

Victory Christian Fellowship

601 N. Park Ave.

Trooper, PA 19403-

Church Phone: 6106315664 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Assemblies of God

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Ed Crenshaw Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19406-

Valley Worship Center

PO Box 60544

King of Prussia, PA 19406-

Church Phone: 6102655003 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Assemblies of God

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Peter Privitera Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19428-

First Baptist Church

Fourth Avenue & Harry Street

Conshohocken, PA 19428-

Church Phone: 6108281686 Alternate Phone:

Directions: Cross Conshohocken Bridge into town, go four blocks, turn right onto 4th Avenue, go one block and Church in on left.

Denomination: American Baptist Churches U.S.A.

Main Service: 10:30 am

Sunday School: 9:00 am

Sunday Evening: 6:30 pm Mid-Week Service:Tuesday 7:00 pm

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Bradley Lacey Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): primarily 35-50 years in age, singles and married

Musical Worship Style: AM Service - More Traditional. PM - More Casual

Average Number of Members: 50 Age of Church: 125

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: We subscribe to the evangelical doctrines of historic Christianity.



ZIP CODE: 19438-

Branch Community Church

100 S. Main St.

Harleysville, PA 19438-

Church Phone: 2152560100 Alternate Phone: 2152560101

Directions: We are one mile west of the Northeast Extension (Rte 495) on Summytown Pike (Rte 63).

Denomination: Non-Denominational

Main Service: 8:30 am, 10:00 am, 11:30 am

Sunday School: During all service times

Sunday Evening: none Mid-Week Service:Small groups meet

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: S. Craig Bishop Youth Pastor: Bill Bennett

Associate Pastors: Bob Kratz

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): Average age is 45 years and younger. Many singles and racially mixed.

Musical Worship Style: Informal - contemporary with live Praise Band.

Average Number of Members: 1000 Age of Church: 20

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: Using every available opportunity in all walks of life.



ZIP CODE: 19438-

Covenant Presbyterian Church

310 Covenant Lane

Harleysville, PA 19438-

Church Phone: 2152561007 Alternate Phone:

Directions: Taking Route 63 west, cross Route 113 and we are 1.3 miles on the left.

Denomination: Presbyterian Church in America

Main Service: 10:30 am

Sunday School: 9:15 am

Sunday Evening: 1st & 3rd Sunday evenings - call Mid-Week Service:Wednesday evening prayer meeting - call

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Stephen Ford Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): Largest group is families with parents in their 30s

Musical Worship Style: Traditional reformed worship.

Average Number of Members: 190 Age of Church: 15

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19438-

Indian Valley Mennonite Church

190 Maple Avenue

Harleysville, PA 19438-

Church Phone: 2152566200 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Mennonite

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Richard Woodcock Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19446

Christian Life Assembly of God

315 W. Main Street

Lansdale, PA 19446

Church Phone: 2154127729 Alternate Phone: 2153617833

Directions: Enter Lansdale on Route 63 which becomes W. Main Street. North Penn Senior Center is on north side of the road. Parking on street on in Madison Parking Lot off Green Street next to the train station.

Denomination: Assemblies of God

Main Service: 10:30 am

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm Mid-Week Service:Wednesday 7:00 pm

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: John Battaglia Youth Pastor: Various directors

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): Young marrieds, singles, youth…

Musical Worship Style: Contemporary

Average Number of Members: 50 Age of Church: 2

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: "A place to belong" Vision: Helping people become passionate followers of Jesus.



ZIP CODE: 19446-

Crossroads Community Church

126 Crestwood Drive

Lansdale, PA 19446-

Church Phone: 2154123059 Alternate Phone: 2154124080

Directions: Meeting at Route 202, Route 309, & Route 463 in Montgomeryville

Denomination: Brethren in Christ

Main Service: 9:30 am

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:Home groups meet

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Glenn Pfeiffer Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): Multiple age groups with many young marrieds & children

Musical Worship Style: Contemporary

Average Number of Members: 150 Age of Church: 1

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: - You matter to God, - Great commitment to the Great Commission and Great Commandments makes a great church, - Our church is casual, contemporary, relevant, and real.



ZIP CODE: 19446-

Family Worship Center

1000 Troxel Road

Lansdale, PA 19446-

Church Phone: 2153612431 Alternate Phone:

Directions: One mile east of the Pennsylvania Turnpike exit 31 taking Sumneytown Pike to Troxel Road

Denomination: Non-Denominational

Main Service: 10:40 am

Sunday School: 9:30 am

Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm Mid-Week Service:Wednesday 7:15 pm & Friday 7:30 pm Youth Meeting

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: J.R. Damiani Youth Pastor: David Damiani

Associate Pastors: Michael Pettitt Charles Brodany Becky Alderfer (music)

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like): All ages - majority young married and youth

Musical Worship Style: Something for everyone - hymns, chorus, praise team, choir, & band

Average Number of Members: 700 Age of Church: 15

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: We focus on Worship, Instruction, Fellowship, and Evangelism.



ZIP CODE: 19446-

Lansdale Presbyterian Church

450 Oak Park Rd.

Lansdale, PA 19446-

Church Phone: 2153681119 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Presbyterian Church in America

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: John P. Clark Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19446-

Montco Bible Fellowship

160 E. Main Street

Lansdale, PA 19446-

Church Phone: 2158550899 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Non-Denominational

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Tony Hart Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19464-

Tri-County Bible Church

2539 Saratoga Road

Pottstown, PA 19464-

Church Phone: 6109705857 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Non-Denominational

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: Lee Hallman Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto:



ZIP CODE: 19465-

Calvary Assembly of God

426 Laurelwood Rd.

Pottstown, PA 19465-

Church Phone: 6103230480 Alternate Phone: 6107180916

Directions: Beside the Coventry Mall, right beside Boscov's

Denomination: Assemblies of God

Main Service: 10:45 am

Sunday School: 9:30 am

Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm Mid-Week Service:Wednesday 7:00 pm

Nursery? Yes Air Conditioning? Yes

Senior Pastor: Robin McKinley Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style: Contemporary music, relevant message

Average Number of Members: 70 Age of Church: 40

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: To know Christ and make Him known.



ZIP CODE: 19475-

Spring City Fellowship

PO Box 172

Spring City, PA 19475-

Church Phone: 6109485250 Alternate Phone:


Denomination: Mennonite

Main Service:

Sunday School:

Sunday Evening: Mid-Week Service:

Nursery? Air Conditioning?

Senior Pastor: John Shantz Youth Pastor:

Associate Pastors:

Demographics Makeup: (What our church looks like):

Musical Worship Style:

Average Number of Members: 0 Age of Church: 0

Email: Web Page:

Our Church Motto: